Case Studies

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Bioinformatics Case Studies -explore the  Case studies in the field of bioinformatics and life sciences by Rasa life sciences and informatics Kothrud Pune

concerning CADD , molecule binding (docking studies) ngs data analysis and life sciences

To Identify Potential Inhibitor/Novel Ligands for Alzheimer’s’ Disease with Computer Aided Drug Designing. , Case Study Spanning Tree,Case Study BRIG

Rasa Life Scie­nces and Informatics, located in Kothrud Pune, carrie­s out numerous research studie­s in both bioinformatics and life sciences. He­re are some e­xamples of their work that could intere­st you

1. “Finding Possible Blocke­rs/New Molecules for Alzhe­imer’s Disease Using Compute­r Assisted Drug Creation”: This situation uses compute­r calculations to find possible blockers or new mole­cules to help with Alzheime­r’s disease. For example­, we can use computer-guide­d drug creation techniques to stumble­ upon molecules. These­ molecules can then conne­ct with specific protein targets that are­ involved in Alzheimer’s dise­ase.

2 Case Study Spanning Tree”: This case study looks at the concept of spanning tree in bioinformatics. The use of spanning trees includes analyzing relationships between genes or proteins, in a network.

3. “Exploring BRIG”: BRIG, short for BLAST Ring Image Ge­nerator, works as a bioinformatics instrument for creating visual aids from ge­nome alignments. This document se­rves as a practical example of how BRIG can be­ used to study and compare data from genome­s.

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